
humankindjournal.org is an online edition that specializes in creating exciting articles and searching for fresh news to help our readers get complete useful, relevant, and extraordinary information about the IT field.

Every humankindjournal visitor will have an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with many facts, analytical reviews, and articles about individual development directions and the introduction of IT in modern production. This is why you should prepare to dive into the IT field, which is sure to be dizzying. As a result, each visitor will learn all the necessary information that will help him to learn about changes in the world of information technology promptly.

About me

Hi, my name is Arkadiy Belyaev, and I am an IT specialist with more than 15 years of experience in information technology. My career started with server systems administration, which allowed me to study computer network architecture and data security in depth. Later, I moved on to software development, with a particular passion for building highly loaded systems using microservice architecture. Throughout my professional career, I always strive to implement advanced technologies and best practices to help maximize the reliability and performance of the projects I work on.